People won't stop judging, so keep it up!

How's your first week(s) in this very happy new year?

I write about myself worrying about people's judgement toward my look few months ago, or probably a year. I ask my closest friend how to overcome this feeling, and surprisingly most of them suggest me to stop thinking about it and keep all of things up. Then I agree to be myself, stay true to the way I am.

It's okay to put nail polish on my nail, yes? :-P

It is not that I won't care about others' thought about me anymore, but it is one of the ways to appreciate diversity. Eh? Yes. I have to appreciate people's opinion without changing myself. Make their opinion heard by smiling in front of them, but choose to hear the good things and constructive criticism, only. It is more likely a win-win solution for all of us :-)

Anyways, I just discovered myself last week (soooo late!). In a non-formal class called Youth Rights Festival training, I just figured it out that I am classified in to androgynous (Find it here), in terms of gender expression. Androgynous is located in the middle of masculine and feminine. It is not changing one's role, it is letting one to playing both instead. Cool, eh?

I also got tons of new knowledge about sexuality, gender, etc. So inspiring. And, It is ONLY part of the whole training. We got some more about Human Rights issue, from the current to the things had happened in the history. As many people say that today, smart is the new sexy!

Speaking about my look and fashion sense, I never classify my style in a certain kind of style. I love to play with everything. For casual occasion, I love to wear shorts, like really! I feel so comfy wearing shorts. 

In the pic, I wear:
  • Skull-printed top. Got it from Pasar Senen for only 20k (approx. US $ 2)
  • DIY shorts
  • Local-produced boots
  • Lennon sunglasses
  • Random bracelet, got them from various places.

My fave pose! :P

 And this is me. I see this look very simple, yet it is still having that 'check me out' seduction to people. Some people might say that I don't belong to the place where I'm living in, but I see their viewpoint as a proof that they do care about me.

Well, that is all for the post, I promise you to post more often in the future. See you, babies! X

Additional Notes:
Greet me through Twitter and Instagram @justianedwin


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